How many of you are interested to go shopping in the midnight? How many are interested to watch movie in theatre in the night time? We need something that we need to buy but forgot at the daytime and now the time is 12.30 am? Well don't be worried we are going to have a solution for these things.
Another revolutionary step made by the central government which will definitely provide growth to the economy. Central ministry approves Model Law. What is Model Law? It is a law that provides shops including malls, theatres and similar firms to function 24 hours. This decision was welcomed by retail and whole sale dealers.
What will be impacts of this decision? Through this decision we are expecting an increase in the growth of our economy. It will gives a revival for both wholesale and retail merchants.Through this the culture of night life is introducing to India. This will definitely give an increase the job opportunities through out the country.
Only shops with more than 10 employees comes under this law. Women employers could also work under this law but their transportation and security must be responsibility of the owner. Owner should also ensure basic facilities like canteen, drinking water, toilet etc. This law provides exemption to high skilled biotechnology and it works from their regular time limit.
This bill don't need to be passed by central govt in parliament. Since this comes under jurisdiction of state government the central ministry passed this bill to state government. They can modify according their own needs.